Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Year 2008

This year was a very busy year for my family. January we played in snow for hours and hours between the snowmobile and the snow forts that the boys built with their grandpa Eichman. Spring came and we signed the boys up for baseball. Chase played for two teams, the Dubuque Twins and Sherrill. Zach played for Sherrill. It kept us busy from March to October. We really had lots of fun and lots of great memories. Chase and Zach did awesome!! We were so proud of them, they are our ALL STARS!

This year I also lost my aunt which was my godmother. She came down with cancer again, but this time it was not good. I just think that I didn't understand how bad it was. I kept putting off going and seeing her, one was because I'm not to good in these situations, and the second was I was SCARED. I'm scared of dying for sure now since I have kids, because I don't want to leave them with no mother. Then I look at if I know I have cancer and I have only a few months to live I don't think I could bear knowing that I 'm going to miss so much in my life that I don't think I could even talk to anyone. I don't know if you call it jealous of the other people that actually get to live their lives or stubbornness that I'm not going to get to live. You know I wanted to remember how she was, I didn't want to see her in pain. Also what do you say to someone that is dying. The last thing I would want to talk about is life. Anyway Debbie I will miss you and I'm really sorry for what happened in our family that made us lose 5 years of our lives together.

To make things a little brighter we got two new family members. Carson Shannon my step-brothers new baby boy who was born in March and Addison Schueller my sisters new baby girl. Carson lives in California so we did not get to meet him until Christmas Eve. Chase and Zach could not wait to see him, they were so excited. Addy was born in June, and boy she is a spitting image of Janell. She was born with some respiratory problems, we were all scared for a little bit, but everything is going good so far. Chase and Zach think the world of her, they love watching her.
Christmas was pretty cool seeing all four of them being together for the first time. Chase and Zach were sad to see Carson go, but they enjoyed the time they had with him.

This summer we took the boys to their first Cubs Game. What a great year to go with the Cubs being in first place it was a great feeling. The only bad thing was they lost! The boys didn't even get to see a homerun. The one cool thing was that it was Grandpa and Grandma Eichman's first Cubs game also and they got to sit up in Grandpa Eichman's sister's season ticket seats which was straight up from home plate and the boys got to go up there and watch some of the game.

September school started and boy it is weird having them both in school. I have Monday's ALL TO MYSELF! Zach is doing awesome in Kindergarten, which we new he would. Chase is doing well also, better then last years problems that we had. Chase loves his teacher Mr. Wendler. He understands where Chase is coming from and he knows what needs to be done to push Chase without hurting his feelings. He is a BIG confidence booster for Chase.

And now we are at the end of the year. Another year of good health with us. I just hope next year is even better! I'm ready and excited for what 2009 will bring.

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